Confirmation of taking a parking space by scanning the QR code

Learn how to confirm a parking space by scanning the QR code



Selecting a parking spot using the QR code depends on the settings of the parking group you belong to. The administrator can decide that your parking group will have a place allocated by the system.

To select a parking space by scanning the QR code next to the parking space , follow these steps before arriving at the parking lot:

Step 1. Click "Reserve Parking".

Step 2. If you have access to more than one parking location, select it. Otherwise, the component with the location selection will not be displayed.

Step 3. Select the date to reserve your parking space.

Step 4. If you have hourly reservations, select the hours of your reservation.

Step 5. Click "Next".

Step 6. If all booking details are correct, click "Confirm".

Step 7. On a given day, the application will display a ticket confirming the reservation of a parking space without an allocated space.

Once in the parking lot:

Step 1. Open the Parkiza app

Step 2. Click on the QR code icon on the ticket with the selected parking space reservation.

Step 3. Scan the QR code next to a free parking spot of your choice. If you have trouble scanning the QR code, you can turn on the flashlight in the upper right corner.

Step 4. The application will confirm the correct allocation of space. Your seat number will appear on your booking ticket.

The following video shows how to perform all the above steps: